Thursday, May 29, 2008

Climate Change

The contribution of Green House Effect by unwarrented human intervention in the name of development is a major cause of global warming, thus climate change. Human intervention to the nature is beyond it's threshold. It's a culmination of series of such events. Therefore it is not a new phenomenon. However this has been a buzzing issue in tourism recently because it changes the travel patterns. UN has already leading the case by indicating travel and tourism in general and transport in particular have tremendous contribution of GHGs. This requires to review the polices by the governments around the globe on long haul air transport which ultimately affact the poor than the rich countries. Most of the poor countires are dependant heaviliy in tourism. 46 out of 49 poorest countires will be hit hard on their tourism revenue. It's like being punished for the crime not committed. These are the innocent victims. In fact, they only contribute a small fraction of GHGs which is well below their threshold.

Developed countries are responsible to the cause of the climate change than other countries; therefore they have greater responsibility to minimize it. Polluters must pay proportionately to offset the damages caused by them in the environment. It's called Polluters Pay Principle (PPP).

Population Growth, Industrialization, Deforestation, unplanned urban development, consumption in fossil fuels in vehicles, airplanes and plants, Nuclear Reactors, space programs are the major sources of global warming. Half of the ice of Alps melted during the 50 years. And, the sea level is coming up rapidly.If not taken the corrective actions seriously it will threat greatly the lives on our planet earth.

Carbon Trade is one of the measures to minimize the climate change. Some people criticize it as license to pollute. As long as it contributes to minimize the level of GHGs, it's good. Countires like Nepal can be greatly benefited by carbon credit.

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