Monday, March 3, 2008

Taplejung: Upcoming Trekking Destination

From the top of the Pathivara.

By Dhruba Rai

Taplejung district of Mechi Zone used to be one of the remotest districts amongst many others until some years ago. It still is, but rapidly changing its face in terms of accessibility. Mechi highway starting from Birtamod, Jhapa to Phungling the district headquarter of Taplejung has already been completed. The road has been blacktopped upto Phidim, Panchthar. A slight difficulty might be felt plying vehicles during the monsoon from Phidim to Taplejung. But, in other seasons plying vehicles is not a problem at all. It is expected that the rest of the road is blacktopped within three years. Hopefully, it will go as planed. A bifurcated road from Gopetar to Yamphudin, a way to Kanchanjungha Base Camp is being constructed. Now, a graveled road has reached a half way.

Apart from the roads, the district possesses an airstrip at Suketar. However, it needs technical upgradation and expansion of runway. Once the air services are regular and reliable, this district will not look back to its past. Prosperity lies ahead, among many other sectors tourism is one of such sectors. The Suketar would be a base camp for trekkers towards Kanchanjungha Conservation Area (KCA). Tourists will have options. Tourists with limited time can take a flight. If they have enough time, they can take a vehicle. The road also makes it possible for them to enjoy the vehicle ride along the plain in the Terai and winding roads upwards to the north capturing beautiful hillscape.

It touches India to the east and China to the north. Reclining on them, ensconced high on rolling mountains and himalayas, decorated with colorful sub-tropical and alpine flora and fauna, having serene emerald lakes, rivers in a tranquil surroundings this district enjoys everything that the nature offers. The world's third highest peak Mt. Kanchanjungha (8586 m) lies here. Mt. Yalung Kang (8505 m), Nepal Peak (7168 m), Kumbhakarna (7710 m), Kangbachen (7903 m), Kirat Chuli (7365 m), Jhingsan (7483 m) are some of the peaks which stand still along the border. Several lakes like Panch Pokhari, Dudh Pokhari, Suke Pokhari, Lam Pokhari, Tin Pokhari, Timbu Pokhari provide serenity in the wilderness. Most of them are of religious values for local people and surrounding areas. Glaciers, perennial sources of rivers, provide breath taking views of out-stretching whiteness.

A vast area of 2035 sq. k.m. of northern part of the district is protected as the Kanchanjungha Conservation Area Project (KCAP). The KCA covers four VDCs viz. Lelep, Olangchung Gola, Tapethok and Yamphudin. In fact, the KCA is a trans-national nature reserve, which covers more than 20,000 sq. k.m. of area of Nepal, China and India. This area has one of the richest bio-diversity landmarks in the world. Nepal declared a "Gift to the Earth" with support of WWF's living planet campaign to recognize this bio-diversity and indigenous culture of that area in 1997. Previously, various integrated conservation and development programs were initiated jointly by Department of National Parks & Wildlife Conservation and Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) with active participation of local communities. This has enhanced the knowledge and skills of local communities about the conservation and they are capable of managing the project.

Some of the tourism entrepreneurs claimed that the Annapurna Circuit has been divested by the construction of road along the circuit. But now, it's too late to turn around. As KCA has largely been replicated from the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) in terms of conservation and tourism, it should not fall into a trap of mistakes that have been made as in the ACAP. Although the road in Taplejung has been constructed, it really does not relegate the wilderness of the northern part of the district. The road is far below the protected area along the human settlements, leaving the KCA as less trodden area as ever and best for trekkers. Thus, the area is suitable for wild escapade.

At the time, when everyone is voicing for diversification of tourism products and areas, this could be an option. Mountaineers flock every year to scale the Mt. Kanchanjungha. In days to come Kanchanjungha Conservation Area will be a popular trekking destination among many others in the country. Time has come to unveil the shrouded image of this district as a trekking destination.

Published in Info Tourism, 2007

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